Estabrook Dam removal effort expands to Facebook, petition
I noted a few days ago the growing campaign led by the environmental non-profit organization Milwaukee Riverkeeper to convince Milwaukee County government the time is long overdue to finally fix the watershed by removung the decrepit and costly Estabrook Dam.
Glad to see the campaign now has a Facebook page and online petition to make the case and spread the word.
Glad to see the campaign now has a Facebook page and online petition to make the case and spread the word.

Trash in the Estabrook Dam impoundment
Pigs, the picture proves that sloppy pigs live along that waterway. Best to keep the dam than make everyone else subject to the piggishness of the folks that throw their trash in the waterway. If people choose to live like pigs, there is not stopping them other than to build a dam so that they wallow in their own filth and don't subject the rest of us to it.
Sadly, we see trash throughout all of our waterways. The dam is a "blockage" in the river, and so trash tends to accumulate there, but is likely from dozens of miles of river upstream. Or namely, we are all pigs and we all need to do better. Also, most trash doesn't come from people who only live along waterways. Our storm drain systems send trash from our street networks--including our residential areas and businesses-- to storm drains and then to rivers during rain events.
It really is just disgusting how some of the north 'burbs litter with impunity. They claim that taking out the damn will lower property values. Their casual littering is what lowers property values. The citizens of Milwaukee should not be expected to host all the trash those northern suburbs habitually throw in the river. If you look south of the damn, the river is beautiful and trash-free. Maybe when Shorewood learns to pick up after themselves, it would make sense to remove the dam. There is no reason why everyone down river should be deluged with garbage from the suburbs.
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