And the GOP's Pataki makes it 31
I was hoping for a pun-filled posting working off GOP presidential hopefuls and "19 and Counting," but with George Pataki's potential or declared hat now also edging towards the ring today, the clown car has expanded to a circus train with 31 riders.

So many bad choices.
Soon to be a clown train? I've never seen anything so ridiculous. They will soon be dropping like flies.
I am hoping Barbara Bush the elder runs so we can hear that recording of her telling reporters how things worked out so well for people displaced by Katrina, over and over again.
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway," she said, "so this is working very well for them."
Just put the RED noses on them and put a tent up and we have a full fledged circus. What will be interesting to watch is when they begin eating their own with attacks and vitriol.
Let's start a betting pool for the date the numbers of clowns stops increasing and starts decreasing. Is 31 enough?
BTW: Helluva job, Reince Preibus!
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