Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Racial Slur Against Obama Indefensible

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

This ugly disrespect has got to stop, and I don't care if people think they are doing some kind of consciousness-raising when they use the N-word.

We don't need the help and the resulting inflammation.


Anonymous said...

Interesting that the J/S has censored speech by turn off the comments section.

Why has the left not mentioned the hate speech by this racist against "whites" and the very offensive language to compare Republicans to "Nazis"? Is that acceptable the left?

Hopefully latinos won't shield this professed member of "their community".

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't the right mentioned the fact that Dagoberto didn't sign the recall petition?

Jake formerly of the LP said...

The wording is unacceptable, and it should be called out, but you know the scary part? His main point was right. A lot of this anti-immigrant attitude that's holding up action is because of Obama hate, where the immigrants come from, and what the immigrants look like.

But because of Dagoberto's wording, you remember what he said. Sadly, given how paid-off our media is today, maybe you need to be outlandish to draw attention to a point. I hope not, but maybe it's so.

There's your politically incorrect opinion of the day.

Anonymous said...

So you don't have a problem with the "Nazis" comment Jake?

Jake formerly of the LP said...

Sorry, I'd missed that one. Nope, the Nazi reference is out of bounds here as well.

Also interesting that I t was set up as some kind of GOP propaganda event and this guy blew that all up. Maybe we need more of those right-wing bubbles being burst.

Anonymous said...

This guy from Milwaukee, whom comes to Waukesha City Hall to speak, as James correctly puts it, was Wrong Wrong Wrong. Yet you want more of this anti-Republican hate speech tactic to burst "right -wing bubbles"?