Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Great Explanation Of "Wrong-Way" Walker's Jobs-Fail

You won't find a better explanation than provided by this economics-based blog:

...the evidence is even more overwhelming today that it is the national economic recovery that is leading to Wisconsin job creation, and Walker/WisGOP policies are keeping us from reaping more benefits from that. 
In fact, if Wisconsin had kept up with the 2.1% rate of private-sector job growth that the U.S. is seeing, we'd be adding more than 50,000 jobs a year. Instead we're lucky to add 30,000 in a 12-month period (and have only gained 10,200 through May). I've now updated the Walker jobs gap charts, as the upward revisions for April and May means the state is in the hole by 58,000 private sector jobs, and more than 51,000 jobs overall.


Anonymous said...

Great charts, but shouldn't there be a scale on the right side, also, showing the actual # of WI jobs?

Jake formerly of the LP said...

Thanks for the props, James! Note that the gap really starts blowing up AFTER the June 2012 recall election. So much for the "uncertainty" excuse the righties try to give

Jake formerly of the LP said...

It's the same as the chart on the left. And the real story is the gap between the blue and red lines