Thursday, July 3, 2014

WTMJ Radio Serving Up Fresh Righty This AM

Thank you, 620 WTMJ talk radio, for the Sykes fill-in host from Maryland complaining on Wisconsin's biggest AM station about the immigrant who screwed up his coffee order today.

Oh - - I see: It's a segue to a 24-day old story about a Green Bay company sued by the EEOC over the firing of Hispanic and Hmong workers for not being proficient in English.

The callers side with the company. The host wants English declared our national language.

And having begun by blaming Pres. Obama, ("our dear leader"), for high gas prices, the host is moving on to an attack on Hillary Clinton, etc. etc.

Just another day in the toxic right-wing ether sitting over Milwaukee like the chilly, foggy weather.


Anonymous said...

He's just parroting memes picked up from milwaukee journal sentinel.

That's how the journal communications propaganda machine works -- different levels of subtlety and veneers of "reporting", but all unified to direct hate and racism at their hometown.

Gareth said...

The Hmong fought for the U.S. in southeast Asia and as a result became refugees. People are still arriving from refugee camps in Thailand thirty-plus years later, which is why they have a problem with English. So yeah, let's kick them around a little bit because that's just so damned patriotic and American all of a sudden.

The Hmong community emphasizes family, education, work and culture. They are very active in the community and politics. I bet they have the highest voting rate of any ethnic group in the state. As far as I'm concerned we can't welcome them to Wisconsin fast enough.

Hmong civic organizations my want to look into filing an action against WTMJ with the FCC.

Anonymous said...

RW kool-aide served up to WI sheeple to celebrate an Independence Day that exists only in a sheeple's fantasy.

Anonymous said...

and the cop puncher followed up with the same story.

Anonymous said...

Rob carson may be the worst, most biased talk show person I've ever heard! He makes me want to pound nails in my ears. Luckily, I had advanced warning, so I turned the radio off before he started his various rants. I know what to expect from that a--clown...

Jake formerly of the LP said...

Hmm, it's almost like they're told what to say or something....

The listeners aren't the only non-thinking lackey as.

Anonymous said...

No wonder right winged talk radio has such great numbers and commands a premium for advertising, it's the support from differing options on the left!