Three polls' average has Evers +5.4% over Walker
RealClear Politics posts data from, and averages, three polls - - Marist, Emerson and Marquette Law - - and shows Evers +5.4%

Root around the site: It rates Baldwin and Kind likely winners, the race for Ryan's House seat, District 1, a tossup.

Root around the site: It rates Baldwin and Kind likely winners, the race for Ryan's House seat, District 1, a tossup.
Has anyone heard that Rep Grothman (WI-06) is in trouble? I saw a map flash by on TV yesterday that rated both WI-01 and WI-06 as toss-ups. Who's the Dem challenger in WI-06?
Dan Kohl. Herb's nephew IIRC
Dan Kohl in WI-06. Good candidate, good guy, and raising good money. He definitely can beat Grothman.
PS- I want to see more Dem candidates in head-to-heads vs Walker. Evers is only around 30% in primary polls, so if someone else might do even better vs Walker, we need to know before we vote.
If one of the other candidates has that data, it would be wise to release it.
It's about turnout.
Hillary was, early in the race, up massively. Going into the election, however, the bottom started to fall out, Even before Comey irresponsibly spoke of emails, her polling lead was approaching this and it was not an average of just 3 polls. It was the aggregate of all polls.
Walker will prevail if his opponent is Evers, because the districts that will have to have turnout like in 2008 & 2012 will under-perform. These polls do not take this into account.
Ask yourself, why should Milwaukee, Beloit/Janesville, Racine/Kenosha, and even some parts of Madison come out for Evers when, under his watch, Wisconsin continues to be ranked as the worst state in the U.S. to raise African American children?
So what has Evers done about the worst achievement gap in America? His report cards are a sham. Check it out yourself -- schools are rated as:
*Significantly exceeds expectations
*Exceeds expectations
*Meets expectations
*Meets FEW expectations
*Fails to meet expectations
How can Evers create an evaluation system that jumps from "meets" to "meets few"?!?!?!?! This makes no sense unless you assume that "meeting" expectations actually means failing to meet some expectations!
This kind of garbage is exactly why Wisconsin does not need a career bureaucrat in the Governor's office. It also clearly demonstrates why Wisconsin has the largest achievement gap in the U.S.
To Tony Evers, failing to meet some expectations is misrepresented as meeting them. Just shameful, but this is what Evers stands for -- literally nothing.
Anon 9:38
Yes, Evers is actually a bad candidate. He is Walker's dream candidate. It is likely that in a fair, open, free, transparent, and verifiable election; Walker would be able to beat Today Evers with a very negative campaign, tons of money, and the type of media propaganda that catapulted him into the successively higher offices over his political career.
He came across as spineless in recent debates. At the party convention, he was inelegant and inarticulate. Could this be why the media has anointed Evers the front-runner?
But given that there will be voter suppression on-top of an unmotivated base and likely more Russian hacks -- Walker is a shoo-in to defeat Tony Evers. IS ANYONE AT THE DPW PAYING ATTENTION? (Answer: NO! Which is how we became a one-party state in the first place).
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