Thursday, August 30, 2018

Walker declares statewide emergency; we've known that since Jan, 2011

Believe me, Wisconsin has been in a broader state of emergency since the day Walker was sworn in.

From his Act 10 "bomb" aimed at teachers and nearly all public employees, to take-home pay reductions he levied through the rest of his 'divide-and-conquer' right-to-work slams on private-sector workers, to years of funding cuts to K-12 programs and UW system budgets, to his many wetland-filling measures that today look as short-sighted as his broad, Koch brothers obeisant demolition of the DNR and its climate change science and other disciplines, to the gerrymandered legislature he approved and embedded with voting photo ID and other restrictions, to the Scottholed local roads he's ignored to the bigger roads he's underfunded like the Zoo Interchange which he's now plain lying about completing... 

To the polluted rivers he's doubled during his tenure, to the clean water inspections his managers failed to carry out, to the manure-brown water, or algae-stained blue-green water left for rural residents to drink or avoid, to the dirty air tolerated at Wausau near 3M to the southeastern lakeshore counties where the Feds agreed to Walker's request for weaker clean air standards...

To the people he's kicked off Badger Care, to the federal Medicaid money he turned back, to the federal Amtrak funding he turned back, to the federal broadband money he turned back, to the women's health services he's defunded, to the food aid he's cut, to the corrections programs he's botched at the expense of both inmate and staff safety, to the taxes he reduced for businesses and upper-income earners while raising them on lower-income residents in his first budget...

To the 250,000 new private sector jobs he repeatedly promised to create by January, 2015, and which he has not...

To the clean campaign procedures and oversight bodies he dismantled to the clean campaign laws he happily helped repeal...

To the income-draining-and-market-snuffing tariffs now punishing the state's dairy farmers, cheese exporters, grain farmers, breweries, food producers, motorcycle builders, metal buyers and fabricators, et al...

Provoked by the amoral, power-mad, clinically-narcissistic, profoundly-unqualified, Puerto Rico-abandoning, John McCain-disrespecting-even-in-death, inveterately-grifting, child snatching, Putin-admiring, dictator-worshipping, justice-obstructing, women-abusing, immigrant-bashing, white nationalist-encouraging, openly-racist Donald Trump whom Walker, unlike many GOP pols, endorsed in a speech to the 2016 Republican nominating convention and has timidly-and-repeatedly enabled for nearly two grindingly-embarrassing, downward-spiraling, democracy-killing years...

All the way to the grotesquely-subsidized, politically-inspired, P.R. driven, self-serving Hail Mary Foxconn con in a year-long-one-note siren song now moving 'forward' sapping 25 years of public investments, and moving 'forward' also through the use eminent domain private property seizures that make a mockery of traditional GOP 'principles' by Walker and his loyal group of top-down, 'small government', smaller-minded, special-interest, donor-obedient errand-runners and public finance fakes. 

The saving grace is that we can lift this state of GOP/Walker-installed, Donald-Trump-approved emergency this Nov. 6th and begin the long road back to the Wisconsin we had and still deserve.