DNR seeking public input on water policy, so shout "wetlands!"
Given what's happening in Wisconsin right now - - from wetland-filling to flooding to expertise deletion - - the simple answer is "wetlands" to this DNR appeal for public input on water policy:
Triennial standards review Helping improve Wisconsin's surface water quality

Every three years, the DNR reviews Wisconsin's water quality standards or related guidance for development and revision as required by the federal Clean Water Act. This comprehensive evaluation, called the Triennial Standards Review (TSR) [PDF], is an essential process to keep Wisconsin's waters swimmable, fishable and drinkable.
This review helps DNR staff focus efforts to integrate the latest science, technology and federal requirements into how the state regulates water quality. In addition, the review assists the staff with work-planning and identifying needed actions for moving projects forward. Water quality standards act as guidelines for setting an appropriate level of protection for Wisconsin's lakes, rivers and streams consist of the following:
- designated uses – goals and expectations established for each waterbody;
- water quality criteria – narrative and numeric benchmarks established to protect the designated uses;
- antidegradation - policy or procedure established to protect high quality water; and
- water quality variances – short-term changes to water quality standards when criteria are unattainable. Water quality variances are also reviewed as part of the Triennial Standards Review...
- The department is accepting public comments on the draft final TSR report from August 28 to October 5, 2018. Please send comments to Marcia Willhite by email (Marcia.Willhite@wisconsin.gov), phone (608-267-7425) or by mail to Wisconsin DNR - WT/3, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707.
- Draft Final TSR Report: 2018 – 2020 Triennial Standards Review (TSR) Priorities for the Water Quality Standards Program [PDF]
Public hearing
A public hearing will be held for comments or questions on the draft final report on September 21, 2018, from 10-11 a.m. Participants may join via an online webinar or in person at the DNR's Madison office, 101 S. Webster St, Madison, in room G27 after signing in at the visitor's desk. If joining the online webinar please test the link prior to the meeting time to ensure that you can join the meeting. If you would like to call into the meeting without seeing any visuals please use the number below.Webinar link: Join the TSR webinar [exit DNR]
Webinar phone line: 866-715-6499, Conference ID: 6833129086
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