Trumping Walker
[Updated] So life imitates art again - - or at least reality TV - - and the Donald is running for President, for real, he says.

What does this mean out here in the Dairy State, you ask?
Let's note that Trump has had something of a love-hate relationship with Walker, a/k/a "The Tattletale."
Trump actually grumbled that Walker was stealing a slogan Trump said he'd copyrighted (yet borrowed from Walker totem Ronald Reagan!) - - but had also given Walker $10,000 - - which sounds like a lot of money, but if Trump is worth the $9 billion he claims, that's like me buying you a Snickers bar.
But seriously, no one could be happier about Trump's play just one day after Walker rival Jeb Bush jumped in than Walker himself, even though Trump's got access to more private jets, a more dynamic and colorful comb-over and so much more wealth that Trump won't have to bow like Walker before the Koch brothers or eat rubber chicken at every Tea Party cookout from South Carolina to New Hampshire.
Having Trump elbow his way into the clown car front seat and appropriate all the media time he wants for a while gives Walker fresh cover for his more dangerous, but-less optically-appealing brand of political extremism - - documentation, here - - as well as for his crumbling credibility in a home state he drops into about half-time.
If you are Walker, the more Trumps and Cruzs and Jindals in the GOP sweepstakes before Walker's formal announcement in a month of so, the better.

What does this mean out here in the Dairy State, you ask?
Let's note that Trump has had something of a love-hate relationship with Walker, a/k/a "The Tattletale."
Trump actually grumbled that Walker was stealing a slogan Trump said he'd copyrighted (yet borrowed from Walker totem Ronald Reagan!) - - but had also given Walker $10,000 - - which sounds like a lot of money, but if Trump is worth the $9 billion he claims, that's like me buying you a Snickers bar.
But seriously, no one could be happier about Trump's play just one day after Walker rival Jeb Bush jumped in than Walker himself, even though Trump's got access to more private jets, a more dynamic and colorful comb-over and so much more wealth that Trump won't have to bow like Walker before the Koch brothers or eat rubber chicken at every Tea Party cookout from South Carolina to New Hampshire.
Having Trump elbow his way into the clown car front seat and appropriate all the media time he wants for a while gives Walker fresh cover for his more dangerous, but-less optically-appealing brand of political extremism - - documentation, here - - as well as for his crumbling credibility in a home state he drops into about half-time.
If you are Walker, the more Trumps and Cruzs and Jindals in the GOP sweepstakes before Walker's formal announcement in a month of so, the better.
Be careful what you wish for! The end result of a chaotic clown car through the primaries is a brokered convention. Walker is being groomed for this by some pretty powerful interests, but the Bush family may have more strings to pull at the convention.
But there is a more disturbing scenario -- MITT ROMNEY. I know some will dismiss him as being unelectable, however, there is reason to believe that they tried to fix 2012 for Romney. Karl Rove's meltdown on FAUX News was due to the fact that he was not informed that Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis had obtained a federal court order for a full Ohio recount if there were irregularities.
This was a last minute court order that did not get back to Rove because there is reason to believe DOJ was looking into the situation. No one dared use communication media that could potentially be tapped to tell Rove.
This whole story was published by Washington Spectator, however, it is now no longer online. The old link is:
It is not at the Wayback Machine/Internet Archive. But remember, the media was going to call Wisconsin for Romney at 8:25 and if Romney had OH, this meant the media was likely to call the election for Romney too.
More here: Walker Won't Commit to Finishing 2nd Term: Disturbing Possibilities
Obama is a lame-duck in 2016. The U.S. Constitution does not provide an adequate remedy for election fraud. It is not by chance that 2000 was stolen for bush (sourced in above link). Clinton was a lame duck too. If you think that was contentious, wait until 2016.
If Walker does not make it to the nomination and Bush cannot sway enough support, mark my words, it will go back to Mittens. The clown car will result in a brokered convention as if neither Walker or Bush break out and stay in front, there will not be a candidate that has the votes to take the nomination.
I demand to see the birth certificate of Donald Trump's hairpiece.
Hillary is letting the GOP devour Walker themselves. LOL.
I hope the conservatives ask for Walker's REAL & COMPLETE Marquette transcripts and his FULL tax returns just like they asked for Obama's birth certificate.
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