More rumors of senior turnover at WI DNR
I'd been nearing since November that Deputy DNR Secretary Matt Moroney would leave his post, and sources report that he may be heading for a senior managerial position in Scott Walker's office, perhaps in a new or renamed job to keep the office running smoothly and in sync with the Walker campaign while Walker is out on the hustings.
Would also make sense since the DNR is being severely downgraded in Walker's budget, so Moroney''s legal, policy and bureaucratic expertise would be more or less wasted there as time goes on.
The DNR's web page carrying senior executives' bios has not been updated since June, 2014, although Scott Gunderson transferred to the Department of Revenue in early February.

Secretary Cathy Stepp

Matt Moroney

Scott Gunderson
Would also make sense since the DNR is being severely downgraded in Walker's budget, so Moroney''s legal, policy and bureaucratic expertise would be more or less wasted there as time goes on.
The DNR's web page carrying senior executives' bios has not been updated since June, 2014, although Scott Gunderson transferred to the Department of Revenue in early February.
Secretary Cathy Stepp
Secretary Cathy Stepp
Secretary Cathy Stepp served as Racine's State Senator from 2002 to 2006, but most of her professional experience has been in the private sector. As a former homebuilder, she became aware of Wisconsin's regulatory climate and how it affected small business owners. In 1998, Governor-Tommy Thompson asked her to bring this perspective to the Natural Resources Board, and she served on the Board for three years. That experience led her to run for the Wisconsin State Legislature where she was chairman of the Senate Job Creation Committee and co-chair of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee. She chose not to seek re-election and returned home at the end of the four year term to rejoin her husband in her family business.
Stepp notes her administration is concentrating on improving DNR's customer relations and streamlining and simplifying permitting to accomplish Gov. Scott Walker's goals to create jobs in Wisconsin. She believes job creation and environmental protection are mutually supportive.
Stepp enjoys Wisconsin's snowmobile trails each winter. She has also hunted turkeys in western Wisconsin and is proud of the tremendous hunting opportunities our state offers to residents and tourists. She enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband, Paul, and two children.
Deputy Secretary Matt Moroney
Matt Moroney
Deputy Secretary Matt Moroney was raised on a small family farm outside of Masonville, Iowa, where he fished and was a trapper. He graduated from Loras College in 1991 with a major in Political Science and Economics. He graduated the University of Iowa College of Law in 1994. He has been attorney at DeWitt Ross and Stevens the past two years, and was previously the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Builders Association of Greater Milwaukee.
As Deputy, Moroney oversees the day-to-day operations of the agency. He enjoys playing basketball, fishing and spending time with family and friends. He lives in Waukesha with his wife, Linda, and their two children.
Assistant Deputy Secretary Scott Gunderson
Scott Gunderson
Assistant Deputy Secretary Scott Gunderson grew up on a farm in Racine County. He owned and operated a hunting and fishing store in Wind Lake for 27 years. For the past 16 years, he represented the 83rd District in the Wisconsin State Assembly. He served on the Assembly Natural Resources Committee all 8 legislative sessions, serving as vice chairman and for four years as chairman. He authored the state's constitutional amendment protecting the right to hunt, fish and trap, and negotiated legislative approval of the Great Lakes Water Resources Compact to protect the interests of Wisconsin's residents and industries.
As the Assistant Deputy Secretary, Gunderson is the internal lead in fishing and wildlife-related issues and is working to build DNR's relationship with the Legislature. He lives in Waterford with his wife, Lisa, and is the father of three adult children.
'to keep the office running smoothly and in sync with the Walker campaign while Walker is out on the hustings'
This would make sense until Scott actually declares and his campaign staff take over the running of both organizations, but then what will he do?
Makes me proud ?
WPR reporting this morning Walker and leggies seeking to reduce regulations further on industrial developments on wetlands, now being restricted in places like Superior WI.
Intents being to destroy them and move them but apparently saving them in the process while allowing industrial expansion.
I was born yesterday, sounds like a plan. /s
Just in. As usual, late Friday when few will see it and dishonest...what new role is she talking about?
Matt's New Role
Stepp, Cathy L - DNR
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 5:30 PM
This message is being sent to all DNR Staff
Dear Colleagues,
So, there’s been a lot of change going on in state government lately. As I preach to others to embrace change, I need to remember that myself sometimes. Matt’s departure has certainly brought a series of mixed emotions for me and many others in the department. I’m thrilled for him personally and professionally, as his gifts of facilitation, people management, expediency, and follow through will be on full display for all of state government to gain from in his new role. As you all know, he has kept the “trains running on time” on “the 8th floor,” making sure documents got signed, thoughtful decisions were made in a timely manner, and that systems were implemented to support and streamline the good work of our agency. He has defined “transparency” in state government with his innovative ideas on guidance documents, stewardship program implementation, meetings with staff on all issues you had concerns or questions about. Always with an honest and frank answer, staff has grown to respect and admire the way he carried himself and portrayed the Office of the Secretary in the most honorable way. He never let political ideology interfere with the use of sound science, the law, and common sense. I can honestly say not one thing I tasked him with over the last 4 years has ever fallen through the cracks. I have never known anyone with a stronger work ethic who still somehow managed to balance family life with his wife and two young children. He is a role model for us all to look to.
My melancholy moments have been in the realization that I won’t be talking to him a minimum of twice per day, seeing him in the office regularly, and laughing instead of crying when the day’s events seem insurmountable. Matt and I had a uniquely balanced relationship, running the agency as a team. Each of us is acutely aware that the job of Secretary is so much more than any one person could manage without engaging gifted and talented people who commit themselves to the mission of our agency with a servant’s heart.
While I was hopeful this announcement would come before Matt reported for duty in his new role, the timing didn’t work out that way. It would have been great to have time for those of you who wanted to stop by to wish him well and to share a laugh. Alas, you’ll have to do that by email or phone call…which will probably be easier on him anyway. We all know he wasn’t much about getting attention or actually having to show emotion!
Below is a message from Matt that he wanted me to share with all of you:
I wanted to send a quick note to just say “Thank You”! It was a privilege and an honor to be your coworker the last four years. I cannot accurately describe in words how much I have appreciated your collective and individual willingness to share your ideas on how to move this organization from good to great!
There are still many great things to come at the DNR due to the tremendous talent within the DNR at all levels of the organization. I am confident that Secretary Stepp and the Department Leadership Team will continue to ask for your ideas and will continue to lead the Department forward in a positive direction as One DNR. The best is yet to come, and I look forward to following your successes.
Once again, Thank You!!!
Matt Moroney
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