Beware the WI GOP post-election monkey-wrench
We'll see if WI legislative Republicans begin passing sour-grapes measures in special session (s) to hamstring the incoming Democratic Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General 'sinstitutional authorities.
Are Walker, Fitzgerald and Vos statesmen or spoilers?
Will they calm the waters, or roil them?

Will they remember the words of Cathy Stepp about 'change the rules to fit the players' before Walker unleashed her on the DNR which now must be be re-energized andrebuilt?
Here's something of a list that the next DNR Secretary is going to have to face, and from which Walker, Fitzgerald and Vos should now detach.
Are Walker, Fitzgerald and Vos statesmen or spoilers?
Will they calm the waters, or roil them?

Will they remember the words of Cathy Stepp about 'change the rules to fit the players' before Walker unleashed her on the DNR which now must be be re-energized andrebuilt?
Here's something of a list that the next DNR Secretary is going to have to face, and from which Walker, Fitzgerald and Vos should now detach.
Expect more divide and conquer from Walker's stooges in the legislature. The electoral map is so gerrymandered, they have nothing to fear. More importantly, despite Evers win, our election systems are closed, proprietary, non-verifiable, and subject to hacks. It has happened before, nothing has changed, and it will happen again. In fact, it looks like they tried to steal this election, but Walker could not overcome a 10-plus point margin. No one should believe the lie that 1 out of 10 Tammy Baldwin supporters was also a Scott Walker fan.
Absolutely. Gotta be vigilant these next 8 weeks for moves to try to insulate GOP power from the new Den leaders.
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