A collection of blog posts about Kewaunee, Central Sands CAFOs
This is for my friends - - best sources are the Facebook pages for Friends of the Central Sands and Kewaunee Cares - - fighting Scott Walker's buddies in Big Dairy, Big Ag, the Wisconsin legislature and the Attorney General, too:
I suspect the activity on my blog today about groundwater water contamination in the Central Sands area in rural Wisconsin was sparked by The New York Times piece Sunday, dateline Armenia, Wis.
Beginning with this May 5 item:

I suspect the activity on my blog today about groundwater water contamination in the Central Sands area in rural Wisconsin was sparked by The New York Times piece Sunday, dateline Armenia, Wis.
Rural America’s Own Private Flint: Polluted Water Too Dangerous to Drink
I think what happens is that people Google the key words and get directed to some blog items, like these, below, for your files:Beginning with this May 5 item:
Contaminated Central Sands waters echo Kewaunee County concernsAlso including this July 30 posting,
WI Central Sands the next Flint? Kewaunee County already soaks up that honor.And this July 24 posting about CAFO contamination in the Central Sands area:
Central Sands residents: call legislators, agencies about the water. Now.And this July 19 posting:
Where you can't drink the WI water. Or step in it.And this recent installment about CAFOs in a series just concluded about Walker's 8-year war on the Wisconsin environment.
The fallacy here and what the Democratic Party of Wisconsin needs to learn if we will ever beat one-party Republican rule is that theres a block of voters that likes scat and the brown-contaminated water the rest of us decry. To them, this is a feature and not a but.
Most of the voters that have the manure in their water, were big Scott Walker voters. They are his base. After Walker squeaks by another election by hook or crook, do you think these Walkerites will toast their hero with a glass of stinky brown water?
Most of the voters that have the manure in their water, were big Scott Walker voters. They are his base. After Walker squeaks by another election by hook or crook, do you think these Walkerites will toast their hero with a glass of stinky brown water?
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