WI DNR Sec. Stepp says big staff perks coming soon
Don't worry, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources employees:
Happy Days Are Here Again.
Also on tap, these exciting buzzwords:

But don't worry, you over-worked Wisconsin public employee disrespected in the era of Act 10:
Good times - - even "field office visits from the Secretary's Office" - - are just around the corner, accompanied by a hefty serving of uplifting buzzwords, as Stepp just told folks in all-hands email:
Reminds me of Stepp's famous, first and only 2011 Halloween Progressive Potluck and Costume Challenge!
Happy Days Are Here Again.
Also on tap, these exciting buzzwords:
Opportunities to serve on teams that will help guide employee engagement and diversity programs in the department and other important information about accomplishments at DNR and plans for the future.Yes, climate science was scrubbed off official DNR webpages, staffers were laid off, budgets got cut, national experts took note, and an agency-wide mission mauling at the DNR is in its sixth year led by the corporately-compliant tag team of right-wing Governor and Senior Moral Destroyer Scott Walker and sidekick ex-developer/big game hunter Cathy Stepp, his DNR Secretary and top DNR 'chamber of commerce mentality' enabler.
But don't worry, you over-worked Wisconsin public employee disrespected in the era of Act 10:
Good times - - even "field office visits from the Secretary's Office" - - are just around the corner, accompanied by a hefty serving of uplifting buzzwords, as Stepp just told folks in all-hands email:
Message being sent to all DNR staff
I am thankful every day for the team of employees we have here at DNR and the work you do across the state. While we appreciate your dedication every day, a special week is set aside every year to highlight that appreciation.
This year, Public Service Recognition Week is May 7-13, and Governor Walker has proclaimed May 10 as State Employee Recognition Day.
Please watch for a special edition of The Resource on May 4th, which will highlight activities that we at DNR will be hosting during Public Service Recognition Week, including: field office visits from the Secretary’s Office, announcements recognizing staff for the great work they do, opportunities to serve on teams that will help guide employee engagement and diversity programs in the department and other important information about accomplishments at DNR and plans for the future.
On behalf of Kurt and Ed and the entire Department Leadership Team, I thank you for your public service. Your contributions to the citizens and natural resources of Wisconsin are what make this state a great place to live, work and play.
I look forward to seeing you next week!
Cathy Stepp
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Secretary
Reminds me of Stepp's famous, first and only 2011 Halloween Progressive Potluck and Costume Challenge!
Come and join us for our 1st annual Halloween Progressive Potluck
How does it work?
Staff on each floor will be designated a food type to bring. For example, employees on 8th floor are asked to bring meat or a hot dish which will be set up in a conference room on 8th floor. The same will happen with each floor. (See attached poster for food assignments). Everyone will need to go floor to floor to get a balanced meal (unless you are in the mood for only dessert and you can just stay on 7th floor…) Don't have time to get something together for the potluck?? Bring a canned good to donate to the food pantry instead.
And Costume Challenge!
A clearly hollow attempt by a shallow, uncaring person to pander to the already badly abused, demoralized remaining workforce at DNR. I feel bad for my former co-workers who are counting the days until they can retire or find another outlet for their professional talents. This once proud agency is a sad remnant of its former greatness, thanks to Mis-stepp and Walker's cabal. No longer is science valued, nor welcome and our natural resources will surely continue to decline under Walker and Stepp's intentionally destructive hands.
Someone needs to look into why all of our Park and Forest Rangers are being stripped of their law enforcement credentials. This is causing young, quality employees to leave the state. Why? There will be little to no money savings. You can count me out of visiting the soon to be trashed state parks and their campgrounds. Walker and Stepp are nothing but evil money grubbers. They have stolen money from my pay check and now are destroying my property. They need to be thrown out of office.
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