Walker to apartment renters: Drop dead.
As with his official enabling of drinking water pollution by Big Ag, and the reckless sops to Foxconn that would allow the company to fill wetlands, build into lakes and re-route streams, Walker will deliver to his allies the goods and the message as he prepares to run for re-election that the 'chamber of commerce mentality' he's used to ruin the DNR by remaking it into a corporate bellhop service will be applied to any special interest which wants to make a buck by rolling back rules which are meant to ensure greater public health and safety.
Like builders who want nothing to do with life-saving, fire-suppressing sprinkler systems

in certain new, multi-unit residential buildings.
Problem solved.
Like builders who want nothing to do with life-saving, fire-suppressing sprinkler systems

in certain new, multi-unit residential buildings.
Scott Walker administration scales back fire sprinkler rule in second reversal on issueSo landlords: Just put it in the lease: Tenants are advised to supply their own fire extinguishers, water buckets, emergency escape ladders, and protective tent shelters.
Problem solved.
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