Previewing Scott Walker's convention speech, reviewing his #WIHavoc
[Updated from 7/16/16] We're just hours before the opening of the GOP's presidential nominating convention in Cleveland.
So I put together below a few links to guide you throughTuesday's Wednesday's scheduled convention speech by Wisconsin Governor and habitual self-promoter Scott Walker - - he who is mired in a year-long polling crash back home that coincided with a failed Presidential run in 2015 which actually did two important things:
* It revealed to the jilted folks back home in BadgerLand that he really wasn't into them like he'd been promising.
* And further proved that even a life-long career politician like Walker is not necessarily prepared for prime time if he lacks a trained mind that can articulate and advance agendas which go beyond banality and personal advancement - - traits that separate authentic leaders from poseurs, punters and phonies like Walker who rely on by-invitation-only 'listening sessions' for public input instead of open forums, with media present, to honestly and transparently engage the public.
Speaking of phony as opposed to authentic, If you're seeing Walker for the first time, you will probably see his phony wink to the camera.
Which the Wisconsin delegation will follow with some phony, Lambeau Field-style cheers.
7/17/16 Update: Will Walker dare to criticize Hillary Clinton's email problems when he had his own secret email scandal? Which led to six criminal convictions? Media say he will focus on Hillary Clinton's email.
Walker will proceed to trot out his calculated personal and political tropes about working at McDonald's, and being a preacher's kid, and being Midwest nice, and having done big this and bold that as Governor - - the empty talking point chaff and camouflaged distraction we've heard ad nauseum in Wisconsin - - about drug testing public aid recipients and cutting taxes for businesses which didn't produce the promised jobs, and sugar-coating his signature dividing-and-conquering collective bargaining slams at public and private workers - - in other words, his self-serving experimentation at the expense of Wisconsinites' lives and budgets and clean environment and open government, yet which failed to win him enough support in Iowa and New Hampshire to make him Reagan 2.0.
Big, bold, and failed.
To see through the upcoming Scripted Teleprompter Tale - - and drinking game points for any of these - - big, bold, tools, hard-working taxpayers, union bosses, freedom, Green Bay Packers, Ronald Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton's emails, God, right-to-work - - let's begin with how The Walker Dream ended last year.
Do you remember his embarrassingly desperate, scary and juvenile bid to outTrump The Donald as Walker knew his his 70-day and still-debt encumbered campaign was in a death spiral - - his pledge to go to Washington, DC and "wreak havoc":
As a Washington Post columnist put it:
As to that mess - - if polluted drinking water that his politicized and 'chamber-of-commerce' natural resources agency will not aggressively cure doesn't tell you that he's already wreaked havoc in Wisconsin, then pick among some other topics:
Either way, just remember that Walker is at the convention for Walker - - as is always his M.O. - - and not for Trump, not for the GOP, not for Wisconsin and not for the country.

So I put together below a few links to guide you through
* It revealed to the jilted folks back home in BadgerLand that he really wasn't into them like he'd been promising.
* And further proved that even a life-long career politician like Walker is not necessarily prepared for prime time if he lacks a trained mind that can articulate and advance agendas which go beyond banality and personal advancement - - traits that separate authentic leaders from poseurs, punters and phonies like Walker who rely on by-invitation-only 'listening sessions' for public input instead of open forums, with media present, to honestly and transparently engage the public.
Speaking of phony as opposed to authentic, If you're seeing Walker for the first time, you will probably see his phony wink to the camera.
Which the Wisconsin delegation will follow with some phony, Lambeau Field-style cheers.
7/17/16 Update: Will Walker dare to criticize Hillary Clinton's email problems when he had his own secret email scandal? Which led to six criminal convictions? Media say he will focus on Hillary Clinton's email.
Walker will proceed to trot out his calculated personal and political tropes about working at McDonald's, and being a preacher's kid, and being Midwest nice, and having done big this and bold that as Governor - - the empty talking point chaff and camouflaged distraction we've heard ad nauseum in Wisconsin - - about drug testing public aid recipients and cutting taxes for businesses which didn't produce the promised jobs, and sugar-coating his signature dividing-and-conquering collective bargaining slams at public and private workers - - in other words, his self-serving experimentation at the expense of Wisconsinites' lives and budgets and clean environment and open government, yet which failed to win him enough support in Iowa and New Hampshire to make him Reagan 2.0.
Big, bold, and failed.
To see through the upcoming Scripted Teleprompter Tale - - and drinking game points for any of these - - big, bold, tools, hard-working taxpayers, union bosses, freedom, Green Bay Packers, Ronald Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton's emails, God, right-to-work - - let's begin with how The Walker Dream ended last year.
Do you remember his embarrassingly desperate, scary and juvenile bid to outTrump The Donald as Walker knew his his 70-day and still-debt encumbered campaign was in a death spiral - - his pledge to go to Washington, DC and "wreak havoc":
As a Washington Post columnist put it:
Scott Walker vows to ‘wreak havoc’ on Washington. As if that would be a good thing.So you say, enough said: I get it. Walker's a fraud. We see what he's doing. The speech is all about getting some free air time, maybe raising enough interest in his perpetual Presidential fantasy in #AlwaysWalker mode to maybe pay down his debt and sow some seeds for a Fox News talk show or a Koch-funded organizational appointment or a 2020 Presidential run as a party loyalist whose flip-flops for or against Trump and his racist proclivities will be, like the mess he's leaving behind in Wisconsin, forgotten down the road.
As to that mess - - if polluted drinking water that his politicized and 'chamber-of-commerce' natural resources agency will not aggressively cure doesn't tell you that he's already wreaked havoc in Wisconsin, then pick among some other topics:
Media and delegates on their way to Cleveland should stop in Wisconsin to get a closer look at The Walker Story - - and these Walker-inspiredOr you can consult the long version of that paragraph, above.highlowlights from which he has punted - - broken roads, and broken promises, and broken schools, and a broken juvenile incarceration system and scandal of Walker's making, and poisoned water, and corrupted government, and dishonest governance, and insider money, and jobs' fail, and jobs' bail, and environmental disregard, and raw power, and polluter power, and more polluter power, and more polluter power...
Either way, just remember that Walker is at the convention for Walker - - as is always his M.O. - - and not for Trump, not for the GOP, not for Wisconsin and not for the country.

Walker sees this as a second-chance audition for the koch brothers.
But Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said VOTE FOR HIM! And has done this throughout his political career -- an entire working lifetime spend on the public teat.
Walker worked at McDonalds?
Maybe the "sink dumper" was someone on the inside!
If I ever get invited to one of those listening sessions maybe I'll have a chance to ask him.
Burger flipper info:
Something tells me that Ryan cut a deal with Trump for his support to appoint Walker to a cabinet position. Possibly Secretary of Labor. And, that this speech is about selling himself to the public as the guy for the job. And, his other Wisconsin buddy Reince, was going to kill the party coup so as to prevent any upsetting of that appointment.
Just like tommy thompson, the next GOP president will have to pull Walker from the Badger State in order to keep him from having to accept any responsibility for his divide-and-conquer politics. The media can no longer catapult this man as a working-class hero as Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has always done.
In all fairness, Anon, I have met Tommy Thompson on more than one occasion (I used to work downtown and he enjoyed strolling around the Square and meeting his constituents, unlike The Current Occupant). Conservative? Absolutely. But not tone-deaf, and certainly not a Divide And Conquer type. Most of us, even those left-of-center, respected the man and felt that he wanted what was best for Wisconsin, even if we didn't always agree.
Walker said a while ago that he would not accept a cabinet position, based on Tommy's complaints about having a cabinet position. Tommy was talked into accepting Bush's offer, by former Gov. Dreyfus. Tommy would probably still be governor if it weren't for that. And he cried when he announced he was leaving, knowing he was losing a powerful job. He had started the attack on teachers and schools - teacher-bashing. Republicans pushed through Revenue Caps and the QEO and started the voucher program in Milwaukee. Walker is finishing the attack on schools, stealing millions from public school and giving it to unaccountable vouchers.
Tommy is just as big a koch head as Walker. You are puffing up a man that is as-big or as empty a suit.
He fell on his face in the bush administration because he is constantly intoxicated! Come on, Felknor -- anyone that spent time around Capitol knows that what you say is not accurate.
Owlice -- your comment is spot-on and appreciate that you took the time to bring some objective facts to this thread. Thompson was a disaster, but like Walker, was entirely pumped-up by the state's propaganda network.
The crap about being "the boy from elroy" got really annoying when he carried on with other woman and was obviously drinking on the job.
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