Conservative study notes WI out-migration, worst entrepreneurship rank
And while we're talking about job losses, note that Wisconsin is dead last in entrepreneurship which creates jobs, according to a just-released study by a conservative organization:
Also - - Wisconsin is going through record out-migration, the study says:
Remember, the groups supporting the study are Walker allies.
Of course, Scott Walker's management of the state for more than five years with a compliant legislature has nothing to do with all that.
Just like their slashing the UW System will help with business creation and ending the brain drain and stemming that out-migration.

Jobs are a result of entrepreneurship. therefore, understanding the health of entrepreneurship in a state is essential to understanding the growth – or lack thereof – in jobs. As economist Tim Kane succinctly puts it:
“ The oft-quoted American sports slogan, ‘Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing!’ could well be attributed to the economic importance of rm formation in creating jobs. A relatively new dataset from the U.S. government called Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) con rms that startups aren’t everything when it comes to job growth. They’re the only thing.”
Kane, Tim, “The Importance of Startups in Job Creation and Job Destruction,” Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, July 2010...
More troubling, Wisconsin’s out-migration appears to be accelerating with a record 15,568 people leaving in 2015.I'd suggest reading the entire report, noting its conservative tilt, funding, etc.
Remember, the groups supporting the study are Walker allies.
Of course, Scott Walker's management of the state for more than five years with a compliant legislature has nothing to do with all that.
Just like their slashing the UW System will help with business creation and ending the brain drain and stemming that out-migration.

Our daughter left the state.
Mission Accomplished! And as a side benefit, Walker and his cronies are letting CAFOs put poo in your drinking water -- AWESOME SAUCE!!!!
Thank you so very much WOW counties and other Walkerites.
Who needs entrepreneurs? They're French, right? Now we eat FREEDOM FRIES!
Scott Walker can't take in the big bucks from multinational corporate and koch interests if he lets little people have businesses too.
I think you would be shocked at the number of people who say if they could leave Wisconsin they would. As the population shrinks so does the consumer base and the tax revenues. But, it's all about big business, big money, and millionaires don't you know. All those people who don't spend or consume at the rate the poor and middle class do. Is there anything that might wake up the elected officials. I really don't think so until it hits them in their pockets.
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