Thursday, July 14, 2016

Obsessed Wisconsin Republican can't stop running for President

The more often he says he wants only to be Governor in the state he has consistently mismanaged, the more his every action is focused on occupying The White House.
Scott Walker and Tom Cotton to blitz Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina delegations at convention
So if Walker can be believed - - big if - - he's positioning himself for another Presidential run by either bailing as Governor at anytime, or running for re-election for Governor in 2018, but then quitting and running for President in 2020 - - according to Walker himself - - and note he labeled, in his patented and clunky word salad, his failed 2015 run as "this go-round." 

He didn't say in 'my only go-round.'


Man MKE said...

Cotton and Walker (in my mind's eye): Greetings, Republican delegates! We are here if we need you!

Anonymous said...

Cotton and cotton-mouth.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for Walker and his koch backers, the rest of America does not crave manure lagoon run-off in their drinking water. While this may be very popular public-policy in the red regions of Wisconsin, much of the rest of America does not want animal feces and urine in their water.

Walker will have to find some other ways to get more Americans behind him. Obviously, that tainted drinking water is a Badger-State thing.