If The US Senate Goes GOP This Fall...
Which Committee or Sub-Committee might our Tea Party/anti-government US Senator Ron Johnson chair?
Well, take your pick - - since he might:
Well, take your pick - - since he might:
Committees |
Posted by
James Rowen
2:37 AM
As a CPA, I would think his gifts are apropriate for budget, or finance.
As a moRon, I would think his "gifts" are inappropriate and inapplicable to any committee or sub-committee.
I bet you don't have to worry about that scenario. Although he'd probably be put on Budget, so he can teach others like moRon said he would teach 14-year Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin.
If the GOPs somehow do take the Senate, it might push moRon's 2016 loss from 10 points to a Santorum-like 18
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