On Teaching, Via Walker: Mission Accomplished
Least surprising disclosure of the year:
A forum, news site and archive begun in February, 2007 about politics and the environment in Wisconsin. And elsewhere.
Least surprising disclosure of the year:
Posted by
James Rowen
10:08 PM
Not really a problem for Walker and his ilk. Not enough teachers? What to do? I know, how about more Charter Schools with relaxed rules for teachers. You know, those with life experience, especially military experience can be credentialed in a hurry. No need to bother with all the teacher education training that is required today. I am sure the Republicans will find a way to shred our public education! Years of teacher bashing will finally accomplish its goal: the end of public education.
Looks like the school door of opportunity might be opening for more participants in school choice.
You haven't got a clue of which you blog about here -- not helpful when people promote crap in the name of supporting education.
I won't provide links -- do some research, please, before you post misleading stuff like this.
FACT: UW-System has been cranking out WAY TO MANY teachers for many many years.
And this means young adults are taking out loans -- big dollars after the 5+ years it takes to earn certification -- it cannot be done in 4 years.
And then there aren't jobs for most of them anyhow.
Walker IS attacking education -- but you are showing ignorance here -- there is a glut of teachers coming out of state schools.
And the same is true around the nation -- so many apply here -- there are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of apps for each elementary position.
And in core topics at older levels -- same. In Middle Schools/Junior Highs -- many students that the easy-way-out and don't even get content certification.
There are far too many of broad-based certified teachers for the job openings.
So do some fact-checking before you post misleading stuff. There are reasons to question education and teachers unions ARE part of the problem in districts like Milwaukee, Madison, Janesville, Beloit, Green Bay, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, LaX.
Wisconsin simply doesn't teach African American kids -- especially boys -- to read.
You can't say its because of poverty because AL and deep south do much much better.
There is a need to protect public schools, but mindless appeals to ignorance and emotions aren't gonna help.
The day WEAC is finally out-of-the-picture will be a GREAT day for kids and for PUBLIC SCHOOLS.
What they have stood for sometimes borders on criminals.
Why does anyone think that their workers rights give them the right to literally sentence children to a life of poverty?
Just sick -- but that's MTI, MTEA, and WEAC!
@anon 8:15
It's all in the supply / demand system.
If you teach physics, math, or tech ed, you can name you district and name your price.
Public school districts throughout Wisconsin are now discovering how the system of free enterprise works.
The teaching positions you describe will be among the lowest paid in the profession because of the over supply. The high demand positions will be those of greatest pay and some new hires are already receiving signing bonuses to break contracts with other districts.
You don't provide links because you don't have them. Nor do you have the guts to put your name on this dishonest rant.
Sorry suburb boy, but the direct factor with low test scores is POVERTY, and then Walker has compounded that with dumb austerity measures and discouraging the best and brightest from wanting to teach.
You want quality work? Then pay and respect the workers
Says "Jake formerly of the LP."
Way to show your "guts."
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