Sunday, December 1, 2013

Now That HealthCare.Gov Is Fixed...

Republicans can go back to Attack Mode 1.0 and say it's going to wreck the economy, take away your liberty, etc.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I am sure they will continue to insist it is not working. A web site that doesn't work will never be able to work. It's obvious.

Like Boehner, who insisted that it was still a failure after he managed to use it to sign up. And he's an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone who's registered have insurance yet other than perhaps a few for Medicare Part B? Can they go to a doctor and flash an insurance card?

Just askin' hey nah.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

If you cared to investigate, you would see that the insurance is not in effect until the first premium is paid.

Just like with private insurance.

If we wanted a direct solution where everyone could be simple treated with no delays for premiums and such, single payer works.