Monday, December 30, 2013

Walker's Job Tweet Represents 42% Of The Truth

What's left out of this gubernatorial Tweet...

1hWEDC worked with hundreds of companies in 2013 - helping to create/maintain thousands of jobs:


Anonymous said...

Its funny that when the Obama Administration said the stimulus saved jobs which was equal to creating jobs the republicans had a field day.

Then i see walkers numbers and .....

Max B said...

Does the 42% include new Boy Scout troops?
Private sector jobs lost?
Public sector jobs eliminated?

It would be interesting to have context for "42%". Given
Walker's proclivity for truthiness, and his 3-year history of moving Wisconsin backward (in so many ways, even 42% is a suspect number.

Anonymous said...

I don't like walker but he's a politician. But this jobs promise jab is past its shelf life. Move on.