Monday, December 5, 2011

Three Headlines, Days Apart: You Pick Which Ran On Fox News

Here's the headline on one story:

Carbon Emissions Show Biggest Jump Ever Recorded

Here's the headline on another story:

Arctic Sea Ice Near Record Low as Melt Season Ends

And on another:
Alien Invasion Over Global Warming?


Anonymous said...

I guess C.

David Martin said...

I completely agree with you that politicians have been taking advantage of their citizens for far too long. I'd love to work with you on this.

enoughalready said...

Sadly, I have a relative who reads The Wall Street Journal, watches FOX News, and listens to right-wing talk radio who does not believe in human-caused global warming. He does not like any of the possible government-involved remedies for global warming, so he denies its reality. "If it is happening," he said the other day, "it is just part of the natural cycle." I think we need a "Mount Rushmore" for evil figures like Murdoch, Ailes and Limbaugh, a shrine to their venal mendacity.

Paul Trotter said...

Regardless if there is a relationship between fossil fuel burning and global warming we must confront the fact that spewing these poisons into our closed ecosystem is wrong. How bad does nature have to bite us before we get it? I suspect when it's too late as greed will prevail over the future and any constraints on corporate greed and short sighted quarterly earnings.