Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Old White Men Tiff Breaks Out On Fat, Far Right

Just when you thought Republican politics could not get weirder, the San Francisco-based ultra-rightist radio talk show host Michael Savage, 69 - - who is still banned from entering Britain over hate speech allegations - - offers Newt Gingrich $1 million to drop out of the Republican primary race.

Great publicity for Savage, who was dropped by Milwaukee radio station AM 620 WTMJ earlier this year in favor of local conservative radio reruns and the complete opposite to Savage - -  Atlanta-based Clark Howard, a pleasant, Mr. Rogeresque consumer affairs talker.

Savage says Gingrich, 68, has too many flaws. Take a listen before you read on where Mr. Kettle lectures Mr. Black:

Savage, who hosts the third-highest rated radio program in the country, outlined the reasons why he believed Gingrich was incapable of beating Obama. In addition to his marital infidelity, checkered past as Speaker of the House, and involvement with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Savage wrote that Gingrich "will come off badly compared to Obama" during presidential debates. Savage wrote that he will "look Here is the full Savage bit from his goofy website, where he urges Gingrich to set aside his ego...." Ha. Like nothing more than what he is: a fat old white man."
Here is the full Savage bit at his jazzed, goofy website, complete with the hilarious suggestion to Newt that he set aside his ego and "call." Ha.

So with whom do you side?

Savage Gingrich


Proud Public Employee said...

This is like watching the Bears and the Vikings - Can they both lose?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Reince Priebus Is feeling about all this? Losing control Reince?