Thursday, December 5, 2013

Amazon Ordering Follies For Walker's 288-Page Selfie

Among your options:

New and used books beginning at $18.99; the publication list price is $28.95.

One used book, at full list price, described as a "collectible."

Another used book at $44.46. Now there's a collectible.

Conservative talkers drove ideologically-sympathetic reviewers to the site after critics were having a field day, so raves now outnumber rips. So it goes in America.


Ron R said...

Wow! Really slow liberal whine day! James rally had search hard for the "Walker is the devil" post.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

As one anonnymouse commenter surmised that the critical reviews were probably written by people who didn't read the thing, it seems only proper and fair to assume that the positive reviews were by people who hadn't read it either.

But they probably paid full price, I guess.

Anonymous said...

With Walker we are all paying the "full price".

Anonymous said...

Well, if government retirees lived in Illinois, you would have one heck of a pension cut coming.

It is true that WRS adjusts pays outbased on the plan performance, but that's reflective of market forces, not bad labor contracts or unfunded liability now, is it?

Thank Governor Walker for protecting your retirement pension. That's not a benefit offered hardly by private sector employers. Say a prayer of thanks.

Opal said...

Ron R: You're a real snarling nastie. Funny you should show yourself here again just when we were talking about Grinches. Don't worry about James, though: those "Walker is the Devil" (don't forget, that is your term) posts just write themselves.

Why do you label liberal complaint as "whining"? Seems like you're whining--again--that James continues to point out the flaws in Walker's policies and practices. Any employee who screwed up as badly as he in his first 90 days on the job would never have gained 'permanent' status.
If you don't like it here, go elsewhere. There are plenty of blogs and radio talk shows that speak to your angry, sneering conservativism. Bye!

Mitch said...

Why should we thank Governor Walker for "protecting" our pension. The pension is actually protected by law. Walker didn't change anything -- except shift part of the burden for pension payments from the employer to the employees.

Should we thank him for not finding a way -- so far -- to raid the pension fund?

Mitch said...

It's probably true that most of the one-star reviews come from people who didn't read the book. But why should they? Walker didn't write the book, after all.

Jake formerly of the LP said...

This has to be satire. Especially Since Scotty was the only one who wanted to tinker with the WRS's winning formula.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

But why should they? Walker didn't write the book, after all.

That'll leave a mark.

Jake formerly of the LP said...

This is exactly right. Act 10 didn't change how much money was going into the pensions, it changed who was paying for them. With this in mind, it probably makes it even less likely Walker or someone else could steal from them, since an increasing amount of the money in there is the worker's to begin with

Sue said...

Let's not forget that Walker was revving up his 'it's failing' rhetoric in preparation for raiding state pensions just as the report came out about how our pension system is among the very best run and healthiest in the nation.
Maybe it's time for a reminder post on that one.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the non-governmental workers who don't have a state pension (or any pension plan at all) are forced to pay for a pension plan implemented and protected by those whom benefit from it.


Jake formerly of the LP said...

And maybe they should demand to have pensions like the "haves" in the public sector do.

Oh wait, that would require thinking about the situation for more than 5 seconds and taking real action. Much easier to whine about others instead of fighting the real people screwing you over. And it's not the public sector workers.

Anonymous said...

So Jake, in addition to $15 per hour you think fast food establishment employees should be demanding pension plans equal to or greater than WRS?

Enjoy those $10 french fries on your barely getting by income.


Anonymous said...

"taking real action"
What do mean by this Jake?
Starting your own company?
Zombie do you have at your private sector job pension? Are you listening to Jake and ready to "take real action" - whatever that means to make sure you have a pension plan too?

Jake formerly of the LP said...

Nice straw man. Try again, and put your name on it this time, suburb boy.

Anonymous said...

You had it too good and got too greedy Jake.

The biggest hog goes to the butcher first.