Friday, April 2, 2010

Is There A Contractor Bonus For Finishing Zoo Interchange So Fast?

I seem to remember that contractors on the Marquette Interchange got hefty bonuses from taxpayers for finishing that project early.

Same arrangement out there on the Zoo Interchange?

And aren't these bonuses really gravy to a contractor who can manipulate the 'progress?'

1 comment:

Michael J. Cheaney said...

Cynical Much?

Yes there are completion bonuses built in to the contracts of projects like this. But in this case the early completion bonus would be for getting all 3 bridges done ahead of schedule not just the US 45 NB span.

But as far as manipulating the progress that seems like a stretch. But then again when you are a career hack/bureaucrat who rails against road projects comments like this are to be expected I guess.