Saturday, December 3, 2011

Herman Cain, Exit Stage Right, As Was Always To Be The Outcome

C'mon people: Herman Cain's so-called campaign for the presidency was an artifice whipped up by an egomaniac interested in exposure (though probably not of the type that emerged) to sell books and audition for a Fox TV slot, and by the Koch brothers and other far-right conservatives, who found they could use him to stir up trouble, they hoped, for Barack Obama and other Republican candidates.

I guess it was fun for a while, and then not.

Like the ill-informed gaffemeisters Rick Perry, Donald Trump and Michelle Bachmann, Cain, too was not in a genuine or winnable campaign to take the Presidency from Obama, to seize the reins of the GOP, or to govern the nation and lead or influence the entire world.

And if Cain were to say he was serious, the only response is "nein, nein, nein."

Now what's for dinner?


Paul Trotter said...

Bring it on Newt! You're unelectable.

We all know Mitt will be your nominee.

And the Republicons just love Mitt! :)

Anonymous said...

Good! Now if Newt will do the same. Kicking someone when they are down-like divorcing his wife when she had cancer-isn't something that makes someone trust worthy.

It only proves the mentality that others are protesting about but fail to articulate in a manner anyone can relate to.

That spills over into the workplace:broke leg-you're fired! Need a heart stent-you're fired!Pregnant-just go into the bathroom and be back in here in 30 minutes, or- you're fired!