Manure spill...Kewaunee County...Again...
Not the mess of 9/12, and/or earlier, and comprehensively laid out - - in 2015:

A Wisconsin County is in CrisisThis one:
By Central Office September 26, 2019
MADISON, Wis. - The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources staff, along with Kewaunee County Land and Water Conservation District, continue to monitor the cleanup effort at the site of a manure spill into a ditch in the town of Pierce near Algoma.
The farm, Ebert Enterprises, has stopped the discharge and is continuing to work to identify the source of the issue. They are pumping manure from a storage pit and moving it to another temporary location. Once the pit contents are reduced, they can excavate around the pit to investigate the cause of the discharge.
The DNR will share additional information as it becomes available.Documented as dangerous, and unacceptable- - as you can see from this previous Kewaunee County image.
...Kewaunee County has been down the road many times sounds like this leak got into a drain tile and then into the creek and Lake Michigan. I have a couple of questions...1. Drain tiles are a closed-loop system, meaning there is a high side and a lower exit a SEWER PIPE moving the water sludge downhill...always downhill. With all the rain we have had in the last two+ months...if the drain tile was broken, wouldn't the farmer have known about it..? 2. With pits across the County almost overflowing...where are they putting this stuff and into what..? New pits...abandoned pits..? Are they they long have been around...what type...etc..?
This County is very lucky to have the professionals working so hard for us. Our Land and Water Dept. needs at least TWO more full-time staff...NOW..! Boots on the ground will start the healing process for the 20,500's time.
Imagine all the desperate manure dumping from Tens of Thousands of cows with all this rain. Southern Door recently had a reported Illegal manure spread & runoff also by Bear Creek. Imagine the ones we DON'T know about! Keep eyes open & report to 1-800-tip-wdnr.
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