After approving each ask, WI wants your views on its Great Lakes water management
I can't see how Wisconsin gets anything other than an "F" for Great Lakes Compact implementation
after approving a Lake Michigan diversion to serve Foxconn - - and continuing to be the only state to approve such diversions under the Compact's rules - - but the DNR is obligated to ask for your comments, so have at it:
The department is also seeking comments on Wisconsin's water conservation and water use efficiency goals and objectives.
The program review is a requirement of the Great Lakes Compact (Compact) for members to review how their water management program implements the Compact.
The program reviews also provide an opportunity for each of the members of the Compact and the public to understand how all the members are implementing and adhering to the requirements of the Compact.
The department will review comments before submitting in its final program review to the Compact Council in December 2019.
Wisconsin's water conservation and water use efficiency goals and objectives guide the state's water conservation and efficiency program. These goals and objectives were last reviewed in 2011.
The draft water management review and the water conservation goals and objectives are available by searching the DNR website,, for "Great Lakes Compact." Comments can be emailed to or by U.S. mail to Shaili Pfeiffer, PO Box 7921, DG/5, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
The Great Lakes Compact is an agreement between the eight Great Lake states to implement parallel water management programs in the Great Lakes Basin, with a companion agreement that includes the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
The Great Lakes Compact became effective in December 2008.
Drafts of other Great Lakes states and provinces water management reviews are available at the Great Lakes Regional Body website:

after approving a Lake Michigan diversion to serve Foxconn - - and continuing to be the only state to approve such diversions under the Compact's rules - - but the DNR is obligated to ask for your comments, so have at it:
Public comment period open on Wisconsin 2019 draft Water Management Program Review
MADISON, Wis. - The Department of Natural Resources is seeking review and comment on Wisconsin's 2019 draft water management and water conservation and efficiency program review through October 15, 2019.The department is also seeking comments on Wisconsin's water conservation and water use efficiency goals and objectives.
The program review is a requirement of the Great Lakes Compact (Compact) for members to review how their water management program implements the Compact.
The program reviews also provide an opportunity for each of the members of the Compact and the public to understand how all the members are implementing and adhering to the requirements of the Compact.
The department will review comments before submitting in its final program review to the Compact Council in December 2019.
Wisconsin's water conservation and water use efficiency goals and objectives guide the state's water conservation and efficiency program. These goals and objectives were last reviewed in 2011.
The draft water management review and the water conservation goals and objectives are available by searching the DNR website,, for "Great Lakes Compact." Comments can be emailed to or by U.S. mail to Shaili Pfeiffer, PO Box 7921, DG/5, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
The Great Lakes Compact is an agreement between the eight Great Lake states to implement parallel water management programs in the Great Lakes Basin, with a companion agreement that includes the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
The Great Lakes Compact became effective in December 2008.
Drafts of other Great Lakes states and provinces water management reviews are available at the Great Lakes Regional Body website:
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