Saturday, November 8, 2014

Walker dissed, missed Madison

Had another pleasant day and evening in Madison. Rediscovered Bunky's restaurant, formerly in the south side area known as Greenbush, in sweet digs on the east side's Atwood Ave.

My fault for missing the move, but what great food.

The downtown was jumping.
Wisconsin Department of Tourism photo

The city is setting up for Sunday's marathon. Loads of friendly folks everywhere. Gorgeous sunset.

And great pizza and Garibaldi sandwiches at the beautiful Porta Bella, as always.

My point, besides lucky us, is I'm told that Scott Walker rarely gets out and about in Madison, but if he had he might have discovered that Madison had a lot to offer.

And that waging a four-year battle against the people who live here and keep turning out the best growth numbers in the state and relentlessly attract newcomers to a progressive AND productive university community was a counter-productive, misplaced, unnecessary strategy.

Madison is open for business, too, but Walker can't or won't acknowledge or appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

Madison refuses to let the ol gov dump on them. They stand up and speak up. We know he won't venture into any setting that's not secured with Walker backers. Nor will he appear in public and take questions. That's because he's un-intimidated!

Betsy said...

We also had pizza at Porto Bella on Saturday. Wish we had seen you so we could say thanks for all the great work you do. We read your blog daily and count on you for news and political insight. Thank you! Keep on doing what you have done!

James Rowen said...

Thank you very much. Sorry I missed you. I was the one with a mouth full of food.