Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mounting Demerits On Long-Time Walker Supporters' Editorial Page

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board endorsed Scott Walker for Governor - - twice - - and recommended him for Milwaukee County Executive, too.

But editorials in just the last ten days on these important issues suggest he's worn out his welcome there. Could that "Wrong-Way Walker" consciousness be seeping in at 4th and State?

*  Budgetary red ink. 

If there's a budget mess this time, it belongs to Gov. Scott Walker

*  On the John Doe probe enveloping Walker.

John Doe investigation of Gov. Scott Walker's campaign must continue

*  On Walker's pursuit to outlawing same-sex marriage.

Wisconsin officials still on the wrong side of the gay marriage debate

*  On Walker's "reckless" jobs promise and poor state jobs' growth.

Tepid job numbers are bad news for Gov. Scott Walker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about time.