Sunday, June 1, 2014

Santa Barbara Mass Killings Bring Out GOP, Tea Party Worst

A GOP state senator and US Senate candidate in Iowa called the recent Santa Barbara mass killings "an accident."

But the Tea Party figure and gun ownership advocate Joe the Plumber went further in an open letter to the parents of the children whom Santa Barbara shooter gunned down:

"...your dead kids don't trump my Constitutional rights."


TSE said...

Don't blame guns for the sick White privileged Hollywood Elite who poison children's minds with every sort of violence imaginable. Who glorify Sex, Drugs, Violence and every form of perversion - and then claim... "It's Only Entertainment".

Hollywood sells poison, much like Edward Bernays did with Cigarettes:

In the 1920s, working for the American Tobacco Company, he sent a group of young models to march in the New York City parade. He then told the press that a group of women's rights marchers would light "Torches of Freedom". On his signal, the models lit Lucky Strike cigarettes in front of the eager photographers. The New York Times (1 April 1929) printed: "Group of Girls Puff at Cigarettes as a Gesture of 'Freedom'". This helped to break the taboo against women smoking in public.

Watch, The Century of Self

TV and Movies distort reality and young minds. Much like alcohol, they should be banned from young people's lives, until 18, or perhaps 21.

Free your mind and Kill Your TV!

Anonymous said...

Then please explain why people in other countries see the same Hollywood moves as we do, yet their gun deaths are a mere fraction of ours

TSE said...

Why should I respond to your Strawman, and questionably knowledgeable argument?

I lived Overseas in Germany, Italy and Greece, and actually befriended locals in non-tourist areas.

You'd be *SHOCKED* at how little TV or Hollyweird they watch. In many Countries, sensible censorship is practiced, and Hollyweird culture is kept to a minimum or non-existent.

People don't waste their lives sitting on a couch watching poison for the mind. (TV)

You wouldn't believe the Community in little Italian Villages - people talking, interacting, and spending time together with NO TV.

America is actually a rather sad place. Throw your TV away and live.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

You wouldn't believe the Community in little Italian Villages - people talking, interacting, and spending time together with NO TV.

I bet they could pretty much walk wherever they needed to go, also.

If you don't need to drive someplace to do something, it's easier to turn off the teebee.