Sunday, June 1, 2014

Awaiting Nine-Star General Ron Johnson...

To join other GOP warmongers bashing the rescue of the lone American soldier held in Afghanistan.


Gareth said...

What ever happened to all the right wingers with their POW/MIA flags? I am starting the countdown until the first wingnut radio bloviator or blogger claims the returning American POW is a Manchurian candidate. It won't take long. The Republicans made a competitive sport of it after the Korean war.

Anonymous said...

A right winger is someone who will lay down your life for his country.

Anonymous said...

Dumb ron johnson just made TPM -- he's trying to distance himself from the teabagger wing-nuts that got him elected.

Dumb ron johnson is too stoooopid to know, he can't have it both ways:

Conservative Senator Slams Tea Party Groups For Hurting GOP Establishment

Maybe he read the recent WSJ mafia editorials and this is a dig at the "original" teabagger, scott walker.

Its so fun to watch the teabaggin' crowd go at each other.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

dammit. My longform comment got eated by Blooger. I blame Obama.

Will try to re-create, as I have never learned the lesson to copy BEFORE hitting publish.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

A right winger is someone who will lay down your life for his country.

Oooh, that's nice. I will be stealing it, since you haven't given a nym to credit.

Jake formerly of the LP said...

In a related note, (mo)Ron Johnson was called the Koch brothers' "model Senator" this weekend in a Politico article. So does that mean the Kochs are the GOP Establishment?

Speaks volumes, don't it?