About Starbucks And Guns
The only thing that will stop Starbucks from letting in customers carrying guns is a decision by those of us not packing to take our business elsewhere.
A forum, news site and archive begun in February, 2007 about politics and the environment in Wisconsin. And elsewhere.
The only thing that will stop Starbucks from letting in customers carrying guns is a decision by those of us not packing to take our business elsewhere.
Posted by
James Rowen
7:17 PM
So, because a corporation remains neutral on their customers constitutional right, you are seeking to boycott their business.
What a warped mentality.
Rather than patronizing Starbucks, take your business to one of the myriad of locally owned coffee shops. Your money will then recirculate within your community, rather than being siphoned to an out-of-state corporate headquarters and the inevitable Cayman Islands' account. Starbucks is infamous for it's worldwide tax avoidance strategies.
The "clarification" really doesn't change Starbuck's position at all.
So it is still perfectly consistent, and well within the bounds of acceptability (not to mention a sign of sanity) to avoid the places.
Coffeeshops are not the Wild West. You won't need to defend yourself from a coffee-hopped up granny swinging her totebag at your knees in order to swipe your coffee change.
Sheesh. Just what is it you yahoos are so scared of?
Tell that to these people...
Keep your head in the sand! Nothing to see here! You are so ill-informed it is comical.
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