Saturday, January 26, 2013

Walker's $2/Week Tax Break Rooted In Old John Cusack Film

"Two dollars!"

A long-time fan of the blog suggested we reference John Cusack's classic movie "Better Off Dead" to connect readers with the true value of Scott Walker's Better Off Dead $2/week tax break plan.

And a bonus for political junkies and film buffs alike: the movie, I find, has plenty of transportation elements - - all the better to help us also understand that Walker's better-off-dead/dead-on-arrival plan to pay for a highway-building binge would more than eat up that $2/week tax cut through new gas and road-use taxes and multiple licensing and registration fee boosts.

Here's a few minutes from Cusack's movie that are worth at least $2 in viewing pleasure and political capital.


Tess said...

I live in northern Wisconsin. Our schools have gone to crap with closings, teacher layoffs, bigger class sizes and curriculum trimmed down. If your kid is in sports it's going to cost you as the parents have now picked up the costs of towels, uniforms etc. And now to avoid two more schools closing and 45 teacher layoffs, we have a referendum coming up to vote on. We will vote yes, but it will cost us over $400.00 a year for that vote.
So please tell me Mr. John Doe, what exactly have you saved us?

No new taxes here said...

Tess you shouldn't be blaming "Mr. John Doe" it's not his fault... it never is his fault.

Just wait Tess there is more to come. BUT it won't be new taxes though they never, never, never raise taxes.

So when it's time to pay the increase per gallon of gas and the increase drivers license cost and the increase license plate cost and the increase hunting license cost and all the other non-new taxes costs.

Take heart the new "cost" won't at least be a new TAX.

Now Tess doesn't that make you feel better? And of course the extra $400.00 that isn't really a tax either.

It's sort of like a "aren't you glad to participate entrance fee".

Be sure and thank all those We Stand with "Mr. John Doe" people in you community.

Say What? said...

Thanks for sharing Tess - keep sharing- get it on FB!