Thursday, June 12, 2014

Walker, On The John Doe, Rates 50% True Only

Sounds about right.

'Raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear to tell half the truth...' 

Per PolitiFact today:

Asked whether his lawyer was in negotiations to settle a John Doe criminal investigation, Walker said that under Wisconsin law, "anyone who knows anything about a John Doe can't talk about it." 
A person who knows something about a John Doe by virtue of participating in the secret court proceedings -- if they are individually ordered by a judge not to disclose anything about the proceedings -- is prohibited from revealing such information. 
But the governor’s statement is overbroad in suggesting that anyone who knows any information about a John Doe can’t talk about it. 
For a statement that is partially accurate but leaves out important details, we give Walker a Half True.
And 50% beats his 42% progress on the 250,000 new jobs' promise, so today, Walker is looking good! 

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