Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Waukesha Water Cost Data Proves Timely

With consideration of a Lake Michigan water application set for Common council authorization Thursday, and Mayoral voting underway today revolving around the issue, the content as well as the iming of this new information paid for by Waukesha showing other water supply alternatives being even more costly or worse for the environment is interesting.

Waukesha officials have gotten behind the Lake Michigan option in part because they say, at $164 million, it's less expensive than alternatives - - which the new data supports.

And because it's a boon, not a negative, to the environment.

The new information is included in a revision to the draft application that is included in the version to be debated by the Council Thursday night.

The source of a new water supply for Waukesha, and whether the Lake Michigan diversion option is the best for Waukesha, the region, the Great Lakes and the environment, have been key issues in the city's Mayoral race.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the other seven Great Lakes states will review the environmental issues with independent analyses.

1 comment:

S. Palin said...

Not timely enough!

Jeff Scrima: 58%
Larry Nelson: 42%

Unfortunately for him, former Mayor Larry Nelson chose to make his entire race all about the water issue and pushing forward with an application for Lake Michigan water before it was ready.

Was today's race a referendum on the water issue? You betcha!