Monday, November 14, 2016

Having said "no" to Obama stimulus, will GOP OK Trump's?

You will remember that Republicans said "no" to Barack Obama's stimulus package that put thousands of Americans to work on the nation's crumbling infrastructure.

Will small-government Republicans now say "yes" to Donald Trump's call for federal spending on that same crumbling infrastructure?

And it would be criminal if Wisconsin GOP Governor Scott Walker used our state's share should one come our way to fill in financing gaps in the freeway expansion/road-builder piggy bank he's budgeted without the need dollars in hand while leaving starved transit systems and low-quality local and pothole-ridden state roads he's allowed too deteriorate as they are.


Sue said...

I have a feeling 'infrastructure' starts and ends with the wall.

old baldy said...

WI republicans are far from "small government" advocates. How many bills passed since 2010 that took away local control ? Over 100 ??

Anonymous said...

How are we going for it, with suggested tax rates at 15 percent for corporations, as put forth by the GOP?

Taxes are evil, as we all know. But User Fees are good.

If anything gets done, it will be with the taxpaying base putting in more money each time in user fees. That way they can say there are no taxes, but you will be paying through the nose as more and more projects go forward.

We are at the point now where the GOP cannot blame the Democrats on governance, taxes, and rebuilding this country. But they will sell the lie that it was the Left's intransigence that held up "progress."