Thursday, September 11, 2014

Once again, we say thank you, John McCain...

For bringing these folks a heart beat away from The White House:
Anchorage police confirm Palin family involved in heated Saturday night brawl
Or as The Washington Post reports:
This story has it all. Stretch Hummers. Booze. A right hook. And a former vice presidential candidate screaming, “Do you know who I am?”


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Wow. I can just hear "bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" playing over the footage...

Shirtless dude, bloddy nose, screaming women...

Anonymous said...

Leave it to that dumb woman needing other people to tell her who she is... she must not read the news stories about herself.

Sue said...

TMZ needs to get busy on this.
If people at that party didn't think to whip out their cell phones this will be a monumental loss to future scholars of American history.