Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Romney, Ryan Tapes Show Divide-And-Conquer Strategy

Paul Ryan was taped saying 30% of Americans are lazy moochers who yearn for a welfare state and dependency on Government.

Mitt Romney was more dismissive, saying the figure was 47%.

Both are fabricating numbers to foment resentment against the poor and the needy - - which in this weak economy means millions of middle-class Americans hurt by the Great Recession - - Romney and Ryan are aiming their nasty numbers at white working voters conditioned by years of George Wallace/Richard Nixon/Tea Party/Karl Rovian-divide-and-conquer southern strategies and racialized fear-mongering.

Newt Gingrich got the ball rolling in the primaries with his attacks on Barack Obama as "the food stamp president," and the Republican Romney-Ryan ticket is channeling it.


Reagan's Disciple said...

The fact is, more people are dependent upon government today than they were previously.

More people on foodstamps
More people on disability
More people on welfare
people have left the workforce in highest numbers in decades.

Why would anyone vote to re-elect this joker? Unless of course you are looking for socialism...

Anonymous said...

I would like either Romney or Ryan to go to Illinois and explain to the Sensata workers, who are now training their Chinese replacement workers while Romney himself and Bain investors profit and take capital out of the company, just who are the "makers" and the "takers" in this scenario.

The problem is not with the people who are dependent on government for assistance.

The problem is with how so many American workers have been forced into the situation by the Robber Barons who continue to extract capital from thriving American businesses, shutting them down, and reinvesting in overseas companies and cheap labor.

Why would anyone vote for Romney, whose acclaimed business experience is a root cause of the problem of unemployment and increasing dependence on government aid services?


Reagan's Disciple said...

The bigger issue than reinvesting overseas and cheap labor is that we need a pro-business environment.

Maybe if we had a President who supported business in this country instead of trying to vilify it, they would have reason to stay.

The problem is NOT with the business owners. The problem is the uncertainty in the business environment and high tax rates that plague our country.

Lower the corporate taxes, reform the tax code and create some pro-growth policies and business has no reason to relocate overseas and an increased incentive to stay.

Instead, you decide to vilify the companies who choose to leave due to over taxation and over regulation.

Think about it.

Boxer said...

If you're a corporate executive and you choose to live in the United States, and sell your products or services to a US market, and enjoy all of the freedoms that the US military and the US constitution provide, drive on US interstate roads, fly around using security provided at US airports, utilize a US and state-educated workforce, etc, etc, etc, then you can bloody well pay your fair share of corporate, personal income, property and sales taxes. It is a PRIVILEGE to live here, work here and sell here. Start acting grateful!