Friday, December 10, 2010

Jeff Wagner, Classy (sic) Talk Show Host

In Jeff Wagner's Friday chit-chat with fellow 620 WTMJ -AM radio host Charlie Sykes around noon when they hand out their righty-inspired "Right Stuff Awards," there was praise for law-and-order Ald. Bob Donovan at the expense of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

Leading Wagner to wisecrack that Barrett wouldn't recognize leadership like Donovan's if it hit Barrett (or was it bit Barrett; Wagner's elocution wasn't sharp, but what's the diff?) "in the face."

Nice metaphor, Jeff.  Compassionate conservatism is such an oxymoron.


libertarianPhil said...

Liberals frequently (and justifiably) call Republicans on the carpet when conservatives are "caught with their pants down" shall we say.

Isn't it funny though, that a liberal credo is that alternate viewpoints should be considered and respected. Yet liberals are just as (if not more so) critical of views that don't fit their agenda.

James Rowen said...

I do not understand the relevance of this argument with regard to the posting.

Anonymous said...

wagner got his law degree out of a box of crackerjacks.