Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Milwaukee County Board Griping About Funding Shortfall, But...

It managed, again, to make without debate its annual property tax contribution to the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission operating budget for 2011 - - $837,000 - -  according to SEWRPC budget records, as posted.

That's a third of the seven-county's operating budget.

And, I might add, Milwaukee County does so without a memorandum of understanding or a contract, statement of expectations, a performance audit, a wish list.


That makes for a $22+ million transfer since the beginning in the 1960's from Milwaukee County taxpayers to the Pewaukee-based operation, but where the City of Milwaukee, with a population greater than any of the six-non Milwaukee County SEWRPC members, has no commission seats.

In the past, the County has made noises about rethinking its relationship with SEWRPC, but even though the County is fretting about its finances, it remains generous and unquestioning when it comes to sending taxpayer dollars to Pewaukee for returns that have never been quantified,

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