Friday, November 1, 2013

Food Stamp Cuts Just The Beginning

Cuts to food stamps go into effect today, literally taking food off the table for almost 900,000 of our fellow Wisconsin citizens, and many more millions of Americans, especially children.

Some on the Scott Walker/talk radio Right will hail this as another win in the fake, self-serving War Against Dependence, which they will follow-up with more cuts as the price for a Farm Bill allowed through GOP Congressional gridlock.

Cutting food aid to the poor and unemployed on the heels of a shutdown-damaged economy where the biggest benefits and entitlements are already driven to the top earners by the tax code is hardly a strategy for a pruductive and honorable democracy.


Sue said...

One assumes each and every one of these folks will make a large donation to their local food pantry or church to cover the shortfall, or are these fine organizations also part of the awful culture of dependence? Might be good questions to ask during Paul Ryan's and Scott Walker's upcoming election campaigns.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

It is also worth noting that food stamps provide just as much support, if not more, to the farm and agriculture industry.

Looks like the right wing has managed to sever that connection.

Anonymous said...

How disingenuous. The decrease is coming because there was a TEMPORARY increase in the 2009 stimulus.

Just goes to prove that you lefties always want to spend, spend, spend. Even temporary increases are now supposed to be made permanent, just because.

Obama signed these as food stamp increases as temporary, and now they are going away. This is similar to the temporary SS/Fica tax break that expired last year.
If Obama didn't want them to be temporary, then he shouldn't have signed the bill.

Here is my tip, deal with it.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Just goes to prove that you lefties always want to spend, spend, spend.

And your argument goes to prove you anonymous righties like the feeling of making poor Americans suffer and die. Makes you feel virtuous. Makes you feel superior.

Makes you prefer to remain anonymous rather than own your hatefulness.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

recently saw a chart on FB. Showed that cost to typical taxpayers of food stamps was $36 bucks. Per year.

And yet, the cost to each of those taxpayers of corporate welfare giveaways, to corporations that often pay no taxes anyways, is about $860 per year.

So it seems to me that the Republicans are the ones who seem to like to spend, spend spend. And they like to do it on the country's credit card, as evidenced by the way the Obama administration has cut the deficit they inherited from GWB - remember him? - in HALF.

Anonymous said...

This was Obama's deal. Own it.

Anonymous said...

"And your argument goes to prove you anonymous righties like the feeling of making poor Americans suffer and die."


Are you suggesting that US citizens are dying of starvation, or worse that this suggested action was politically motivated by conservatives?

Food stamp programs are among the largest fraudulently abused government programs in the Federal Government.

There should be no extension of the expanded program. And, the existing program needs to be tied to a registered and pictured voter ID in every state.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Are you suggesting that US citizens are dying of starvation, or worse that this suggested action was politically motivated by conservatives?

It's not a suggestion. Ignoring the fact of starvation in America is a tenet of conservatism, these days.

Food stamp programs are among the largest fraudulently abused government programs in the Federal Government.

This is a straight up lie, but the constant refrain pushed out by conservative politicians and the Rushbo-Sykes political media axis has ingrained it into the discourse that it is accepted as 'truth'. Or it has that air of truthiness.

There should be no extension of the expanded program.

Like I said, you are in favor of starving your fellow citizens. You came out and said it, right there. No wonder you don't want to put a name, or even a nym, to such hateful rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

Cut foods stamps keep corporate farm subsidies that's the GOP's heartless program.

"Righties like the feeling of making poor Americans suffer and die.".... all the while getting richer as the poor suffer.

Anonymous said...

"This is a straight up lie"


Google Wisconsin food stamp fraud.

"Like I said, you are in favor of starving your fellow citizens." That's not what you said.

Let me reprint your inflated lie for you, "And your argument goes to prove you anonymous righties like the feeling of making poor Americans suffer and die."

I Googled, "How many people in Wisconsin die of starvation."

Here's the best answer:
According to the World Health Organization, 120 Americans died from "lack of food" in 2004.

Starvation rates in the United States are generally not recorded due to the relative infrequency of the occurrence. Generally speaking, most people do not starve to death in America as a result of lack of access to food. A combination of government food programs and private charities help to ensure this. However, Americans do have a serious problem with malnutrition. Starvation (that is, death due to lack of food) in America, in the relatively rare instances that it does occur, is not usually an indication of poverty but rather a variety of other social issues.

You really do have a lot of hate for humans not like you.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

It's hilarious when anonymous trolls resort to quibbling about phrasing. Next up is arguing from a dictionary, I suppose.

You really do have a lot of hate for humans not like you.

Points off for the Pee-Wee Herman argument.

Anonymous said...

You've never been to a third world country, have you?

You would loose your self rightous sense of humor when trivializing starvation if you would go.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

ou've never been to a third world country, have you?

Gosh, how wrong do you insist on cintinually being?

Anonymous said...

Jay Carney fan I see.

While I appreciate your mcoking sense of humor, I understand your discomfort with the truth.