Monday, November 4, 2013

Another Attack-By-Assault-Rifle; No Tipping Point To Sane Controls

You can add TSA agents in Los Angeles to a list of assault rifle attack victims that includes
File:AR-15 Sporter SP1 Carbine.JPG
Connecticut school children, Colorado movie-goers, Albuquerque police, New York State firefighters, downtown Wheeling, W. VA,  Chicago park-goers, Colorado church-goers, Oregon Christmas shoppers, Milwaukee pedestrians, New Jersey teens, Florida Super Bowl-partiers,  and a host of others.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

On with the Body Count.

gosh, it would have been so useful if anybody had predicted this kind of increasing slaughter.

it would also be meet and proper if the supporters of the machinery of death would For once.

But, of course, they won't. Cue the onslaught of the anonymous hordes.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone here tell the difference between the AR and a typical hunting rifle?

I'll give you the "one is black."

Quick...go hit google.

James Rowen said...

The stories cited let law enforcement define assault rifle. Do you hunt with a 100-round drum, or a bag full of high-capacity clips?

Gareth said...

In a further confirmation that "Freedom isn't free":

Firearm Injuries Cost More Than $16 Billion in Hospital Care Over 9 Years

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

also, the AR is designed to appeal to the kind of person that yearns to be an urban commando.

Anonymous said...

You mean like gangsters?