Tuesday, July 31, 2012

More Criticism Of Walker's Washington Post Health Care Op-Ed

I put up an item about the Journal Sentinel's "False" PolitiFact ruling about Scott Walker's Washington Post health care op-ed.

Let me draw you attention to another critique by Wisconsin fiscal policy expert Jon Peacock, who wrote, in part:

Walker’s Washington Post Column Misrepresents the Cost of the ACA

Figure the Governor Uses Arbitrarily Excludes the ACA’s Enhanced Federal Aid

A PolitiFact article in Sunday’s Journal Sentinel critiques an op-ed column by Governor Walker in the July 12 Washington Post, in which he contended that that the federal health care reform law would “devastate” Wisconsin.   PolitiFact analyzes four of the factual assertions in the Governor’s column and rates them as false, concluding that the Governor’s op-ed: “cherry-picks data, leaves out critical facts and mischaracterizes some of the numbers, creating a highly misleading impression.”

The article by Guy Boulton and Dave Umhoefer notes that they will look later at the fiscal claims in Walker’s column, such as the assertion that during the period 2014 through 2019: “after all federal aid and tax credits are applied, the state’s portion of the bill [for implementing the ACA] will be $433 million.

I evaluated some of the problems with the Governor’s column two weeks ago and later in a guest blog post for the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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