Friday, August 5, 2011

Two Milwaukee Men Win Golden Finger-Pointing Award

At least they can say during their racialized, finger-pointing rant they haven't been in positions of power, decision-making and community leadership for years and years and years.

Oh, wait a minute: they're Aldermen!


Ron R said...

I'm sure the violence was in some way Scott Walker's fault. I eager await your post blaming him and anyone else you disagree with politically for the violence. I know you won't actually criticize those who were responsible for the violence.

James Rowen said...

It's amazing what you know.

Paul Trotter said...

These alderman have failed to recognize the efforts od countless organizations in Milwaukee that are making a concerted effort to make difference in the black community. Take a look at the FB page of MILWAUKEE BOYS TO MEN COALITION/ BE THE CHANGE to realize that this community cares. Take a look at at this video:

Perhaps these lily white Alderman should be part of the solution instead of pointing their fingers.
And yes Walker is making the problem worse. His health secretary just rejected a $9 million grant to work on substance abuse in Milwaukee. The list goes on and on about how his cuts will "SOW" more seeds of problems in the inner city.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"The efforts od countless organizations in Milwaukee that are making a concerted effort to make a difference in the black community"

Organizations doubtlessly overfunded by our tax dollars and which are failing miserably.

Well at least the leaders of such organizations get to drive around town in fancy cars thanks to us.

Thx for making my point Mr. Trotter.


Steve Branca said...

"Organizations doubtlessly overfunded by our tax dollars and which are failing miserably.

"Well at least the leaders of such organizations get to drive around town in fancy cars thanks to us."

Dear Anonymous,

So you know with out doubt that these organizations are "overfunded" and that it's tax dollars that they are using? You can substantiate this? Your definition of overfunding would be, let me guess, 89 cents?

You're sure they're failing miserably, too. Have you done the program evaluation? Please produce it.

The leaders get to drive around in "fancy cars." What kinds of cars? Who drives them? I do know some of these people and after meetings I see them getting into their cars. I don't envy any of them, nor would you. (Oh, forgive me, you don't think they should have cars at all. That implies an income which implies a job or welfare, both of which you would deny someone working for poverty alleviation, education, civil rights, or affordable housing.)

How sad it is for our country that there are so many people who spout similar venom without the slightest interest in or knowledge of what happens in the real world, or who the people are who you excoriate. Enjoy your tea.