About Nestle's water demand from its Michigan 'mountain'
Nestle wants huge increase in nearly-free-to-the-company-groundwater to brand and sell in Great Lakes Compact

diversion-rule-evading bottles as "Ice Mountain" - - from a Michigan source at 1,014 ft.
Hey, who does Michigan think it is - - Wisconsin? Some nerve. And some mountain.

diversion-rule-evading bottles as "Ice Mountain" - - from a Michigan source at 1,014 ft.
Hey, who does Michigan think it is - - Wisconsin? Some nerve. And some mountain.
This Week on The Environment Report
Public comments show how much and why people oppose Nestle water withdraw
State regulators are sending signals that they're close to making a decision on a controversial water permit for Nestle.
On today's Environment Report, we look at the reasons people oppose Nestle's water withdrawal and why it's taken the DEQ so long to review the permit application.
Listen to The Environment Report on Michigan Radio, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:50 AM and 5:45 PM. |
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