Walker headed to sunny Florida with top tier Trumpistas
Looks like Walker will shift his WI re-election campaign to sunny W. Palm Beach stop - - Mar-a-Lago? - - with Don, Jr., Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, The Mooch, ultra rightists, et al, as Christmas approaches.
By the way, where are the other elected officials? And remember his 2012 Palm Beach fund-raising foray?

By the way, where are the other elected officials? And remember his 2012 Palm Beach fund-raising foray?
From the Palm Beach Daily News [link has died, but I copied out text:
Embattled Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker strode into the Town Hall council chambers Wednesday afternoon, briefly interrupting a coastal protection discussion, said basically hello, and was on his way...He also left Palm Beach $200,000 richer in contributions, with more to come from pledges following a luncheon Wednesday organized by Town Council President David Rosow and Lee Hanley, who hosted the event at his Palm Beach home.“This is the ATM of American politics,” said Councilman Bill Diamond, who spends much of his time raising money for Republican candidates.

No one should believe that Walker is a moderate. This moves the WI GOP as far right as it is possible to go. Walker is a fascist and white supremacist if he is willing to appear with Gorka and Bannon among others.
Where is Daniel Bice when you need him?
Need any more proof that Walker couod not care less about the typical Wisconsinite, and only cares about kissing up to elite RW Bubble-Worldes? And that he identify As with these amoral slimebuckets over anyone with decency or principle?
Bice only reports on,what his RW corporate bosses let him report on. Not an ounce of independence in the man.
Why do you think the Guardian scooped him on Walker's money-laundering scheme last year?
James O'keefe is on the list with Walker. He was just busted by the Washington Post for trying to create fake news in support of Roy Moore, accused pedophile.
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