Get ready for metal mining in Wisconsin watersheds
Toxic metal mining could be coming to the Menominee River.
No one has returned my call to the Governor's Office last week about whether and when Walker will sign Tom Tiffany's toxifying sulfide mining bill - - some people think Walker's looking for just the right photo op spot - - but I don't think he'll head to the WI-MN border and Menominee River

where the Menominee Nation and grassroots opponents are fighting the Back 40 mine open-pit mining plan.
No one has returned my call to the Governor's Office last week about whether and when Walker will sign Tom Tiffany's toxifying sulfide mining bill - - some people think Walker's looking for just the right photo op spot - - but I don't think he'll head to the WI-MN border and Menominee River

where the Menominee Nation and grassroots opponents are fighting the Back 40 mine open-pit mining plan.
As a result of our undeniableand long occupation of the Menominee River area, we have numerous sacred sites on the Menominee River, including the area of the proposed mine. Much like our brothers and sisters in the NODAPL movement we also know that water is essential to life. The Menominee River is the very origin of life for the Menominee people. It also provides life to Michigan and Wisconsin residents and the natural wildlife within the Great Lakes ecosystem.
The harmful threats to this area and the interests of all who depend on the Menominee River, far outweigh the corporate interests of a Canadian exploratory company and justify the denial of the necessary permits for the proposed mine.
The proposed open pit of the mine would sit a mere 150 feet from the banks of the Menominee River, which forms the boundary between Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, and ows into the Green Bay of Lake Michigan. The Great Lakes contain 20% of the world’s fresh surface water and 95% of the U.S. surface water. An es mated 663 million people, or 1 in 10 people in the world, lack access to safe water and threats to this precious resource should not be taken lightly.
This project proposes to not only extract minerals but also process the minerals onsite. Sulfide mines pose serious threats associated with the leaching of sulfuric acid, which is extremely hazardous to freshwater rivers, lakes, streams and groundwater. Mine related water contami- na on would have compounding impacts for sh, birds, animals, insects, plants and humans whose existence is dependent on clean water from the Menominee River and the greater Great Lakes ecosystem.
1 comment:
Thank you for bringing this to light of day, like you do so often. For a updated and clear view of Menominees regarding a toxic sulfide mine in their Back Forty do attend an event this Wed, Nov 29th at the College of the Menominee Nation, N72 Hwy 47/55 Keshena WI 54135. Over a soup supper you will receive breaking news on strategies that together can fight the Back Forty mine and toxic sulfide acid mines. And/or you can view the live stream simultaneously or later at…/…/7070263.There is already good background material there now. Speakers include Chair of Menominee Nation Gary Besaw, Attorney Burton Warrington, Anahkwet Guy Reiter, and Dawn Wilber with special leaders - Keshena high schoolers. The college students are also spreading the word for this important event. All of us in Wisconsin need to know how to stop these mines and how to act together. Thanks again, Mary Kay Baum of the Wolf River Chapter of Our Wisconsin Revolution.
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