Thursday, August 6, 2015

The campaign as ego-trip; Walker compares self to Lincoln

One of the weirdest tics in Scott Walker's uncontrollable ego and puffed-up persona is a willingness to say out loud the kind of flattering things a person might think about themselves, or that others might say to praise you, but that a normal person with a shred of humility or self-awareness would not say in public because the effect is so cringe-worthy and grating. 

Latest case in point: Walker dropped into Milwaukee County - - where he barely shows his face these - - to open the Wisconsin State Fair this morning.

And while he didn't stop for media questions - - imagine how embarrassing those might have been in the wake of John Doe disclosures that undermined years of his denials - -  he obviously had rehearsed to tell audience, and I heard it on the radio, that there was self-serving historical significance to his presence at this annual event which is a routine for Wisconsin's chief executive:
"It wasn't lost on me that Abe Lincoln was here in 1859, the year before he was elected president"
Oh, please.

This from a Governor who rules through spite and payback, and has been the ultimate divide-and-conquer politician, unlike Lincoln, who worked tirelessly to restore our house-divided nation, with malice towards none/

A Governor who pitched and signed one of the most-restrictive Voter ID laws in the country to make it harder for minorities to vote.

And who has frozen the minimum-wage at its lowest level, raised taxes on low-income citizens, cut transit and access to jobs and housing and has amped up dog whistles appealing to ultra-conservatives who would have voted against Lincoln had they had the chance.

Walker has displayed this tone-deaf and outlandishly inflated self-importance before - - gratuitously comparing himself to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, endlessly draping himself in Ronald Reagan's reputation - - while defining his own imperious stubbornness as "courage."

If other people want to laud Walker, fine.

But it's downright creepy to see how easily he speaks so highly and inaccurately about himself.


Unknown said...

I see it. So many see it. If only others would take their blinders off. All of his blunders throughout his self-serving agenda. What I see is a textbook case of narcissism.

Anonymous said...

Her speaks this way because the media picks it up and amplifies him. Most people don't hear this crap from Walker, they get it from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the echo-chamber they lead. Even if it is written up as coming from Walker, it comes across to most as what the media decided was important to report.

Oh! Look, Walker's biggest propaganda shill, right on cue, features the Lincoln crap:

Donna Clair said...

He'll be the sweatiness guy at the debate tonight- secretly he's afraid of what is to come from this presidential run - he will be exposed - might as well be standing on that stage bare naked - am sure Trump has the goods on him!

Unknown said...

'Courage': creeping through steam tunnels in and out of the Capitol, hiding behind screens on his way through the Capitol, making public announcements in his corporate cronies warehouses. Truly 'Unintimidated' he aint. Thats my friends in the Solidarity, theyre Unintimidated. Me, im just foolhardy…

Unknown said...

The media are corporate owned. They say what theyre told to say…

Unknown said...

The media are corporate owned. They say what theyre told to say…

Anonymous said...

Making popcorn! Getting settled!