Walker Gives Corporate Backers Massive Tax Gift
Grover Norquist's discredited privatized, drowned government regimen is fading away, but not in Wisconsin, where Scott Walker is ending much business income taxation, so guess who gets to pay for public services stripped to the bone as CEO's and shareholders are enriched?
I have written to both Gov Walker and Mayor Barrett asking for an update on the "Transform Milwaukee" initiative that Walker announced in May, just before the Recall election. I have not heard from either and am wondering if anyone else knows what happened? The "Transform Milwaukee" initiative would have put $100 million into rebuilding Milwaukee.
@anon- was it political stunt?
@ Anon 1:20: I don't know but there is this: http://www.wi-cwi.org/minority_tf/2012/052412_transform_milwaukee_taskforce.pdf and this: http://www.wheda.com/root/AboutWheda/PressRoom/Dynamic.aspx?id=3303 But nothing on any state or city websites showing an update.
Lets push on this. TB. Should be at least bringing it to light.
Congratulations, Scott. You are two-faced now, and have been even since being Milw. County executive (or perhaps before).
I will try emailing both again about Transform Milwaukee - anyone else want to try too?
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